Monday 20 April 2009

self evaluation

Audience Feedback

The majority of the comments were very positive, our main flaw was our credits. The credits appear to have not fit with the style of the rest of the film but the rest of the comments were very positive. These 5 examples of feedback are generally what all of the sheets said.
It seems that the audience did get confused at times but that could be seen as a hook, as the film progressed obviously the confusion would be cleared up. The audience appear to have appreciated the style and the imaginative shots that me and my partner used.

Monday 26 January 2009


The idea has been influenced by other films.
The main concept is quite similar to the film Brick. A teenage based thriller with alot of references to drugs, sex and murders.
This film has been very successful and this could reflect on how popular our project could be.
There are also similarities as there is a very limited role for an adult caste. In Brick there is only one adult characters who does not even help move the storyline along. And in our film there is no adult characters or actors.

This is a trailers for the film Brick, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt Emilie de Ravin and Nora Zehetner.

The opening sequence has been massively influenced by Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet. The implied storyline is perfect for a thriller film. It creates a brilliant hook to gain the audiences attention immediately. This is because it shows them just enough to catch their interest.
The quick cuts and interesting images will pull our audience into the film and actively engage them as they will be looking for the clips they have seen.

The opening of Romeo and Juliet is widely renowned as a highly successful opening which reflects the prologue. This is the same technique which we are planning on using.

Saturday 3 January 2009

Final idea

The questionnaire was aimed at teenagers, who seem very interested in the thriller genre. It is only logical that this audience is targeted for a thriller film. This is a tactic taken on by many film makers and many thrillers have been made specifically for this large target audience.

The main concept of a thriller film is the hook, and in this film there will b an instant hook to grab the watchers attention.
There will b a voice-over, this will b over the top of serveral inserts from the middle of the film. These will introduce characters briefly and get the watchers to gain an emotional link with the character who is doin the voice-over. There will be quiet music that slowly gets faster and louder as the inserts also speed up.
This will gain the audiences attention as the will want to make sense of the clips they have seen and they will long to learn more about the faces they have briefly seen.

Mixed in that will b the credits and will end with teh title. Then it will go into the film, starting with a girl leaving for a party, walking down the road. As she walks she redoes her make-up, she reveals a lower cut top and she rolls up her skirt. This will reach out to most teenagers and it shows how teenagers see each other differently than to how their parents or guardians.
The camera watches her walk down to the party and goes past her into the party, leaving her outside.
The party is very active and firstly there is a small group that all go in different directions, this represents a split that would hapen later in the film, and one stumbles towards a door. Then the camera go round in the point of view of the stumbling drunk, it will be edited to speed up but slow down everytime the drunk goes nere an event of some sorts. The camera slows down as a girl downs a pint, as some gay couples kiss, as some people outside smoke ect.
Then the camera stops on a convosation between a small group and one is homophobic and racist, this introduces the first possible murderer.
The hatered from the homophobic, racist will automaically make the audience dislike the character.