Tuesday 18 November 2008

On 7th of November in Media Studies we analysed Leon

Leon is a thriller staring Jean Reno, Gary Oldman and a young Natalie Portman. Released on 14th September 1994.

This film starts with moody atmospheric musics, mainly based around violins. This is typical of thriller films as violins can sound sinister and scratchy.
The music is accompanied by establishing shots high up from a crane. These shots start in a forest and then the camera tilts slowly into urban areas, this could symbolise the un-purification that happens later in the plot to Mathilda. It becomes clear that the setting is New York and the forest is central park. The camera continues along many entwining busy roads until it tilts up and "Welcolm to Little Italy" is seen on screen. This again is just seeting the scene.
The audience find themselves inside an italian shop, two men sitting across teh table fromon another. The first spoken words in the films are in italian, this shows the characters social backgrounds.
During thing conversation between these two italians at no point do you see their full faces. This is a technical device often used in thiller films, it keeps suspense which is teh whole aim of a thriller. This keeps mystery, this goes along with Leons glasses thathe wears, tehy black out alot of his face, these glasses become a motif of the film.
When we get to the people that Leon is going to kill, the audience see shots from CCTV which represents someone watching them. The music starts slow and gets faster and teh tension builds, as the mans gang get killed no violence is shown, just suggested. This again keeps teh mystery in the film.
As the tension builds it is seen clearly in the characters' fumbling and his falling over objects, as the music has gotten quicker there is an atmosphere of haste and panic.
The music stops and Leons hand comes out from teh darkness, this hows the climax of the chase and that Leon came out on top.

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